As we develop together as Eco congregations across our Old Town Partnership, Harvest Thanksgiving and Creation tide have an increasing significance. These days, from 1st September into October have been designated the International Season of Creation. This year the global reach of Covid 19 has revealed anew our shared human nature and the interconnectedness of our lives, economies, healthcare systems, food chains, energy and transportation systems. The pandemic has also demonstrated that this complex web is rooted in the earth and limited by the earth’s capacity to sustain our economic and ecological needs. The unjust effects of climate change are a consequence of our inability to find a sustainable balance of this web.

As we celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving across our Partnership and prepare, God willing, to welcome Martin Palmer back to inspire us from the Celebration Earth perspective on Friday 23rd October, may we also unite as one family in Christ celebrating the good gifts of creation and the bonds we share with each other and every living creature on earth, Genesis 9 verse 10. Can I encourage you to have a look and a listen to Doxecology, a wonderfully creative resource which has just been published by Resound Worship;



It brings together doxology (praise) and ecology, giving much needed new worship language to the church There are 13 new songs on the themes of Creation Ecology and Christian hope which, together firstly, celebrate the wonders of Creation, secondly, acknowledge our failures and thirdly anticipate a glorious restoration in Christ.


Let us pause this Harvest remembering in our worship God’s world is still a place full of wonder. The earth shares its abundant generosity offering shelter and sustenance to all its inhabitants. Our response here in Old Town Swindon, as earth residents, should be equally generous recognising our share in our responsibilities. Please meditate around this ecumenical prayer which is at the heart of the Season of Creation materials.
May this prayer lead us into practical action as developing eco congregations across our Partnership.


Every blessing

