Christ Church Guild of Bellringers

We are a voluntary group from a variety of backgrounds and age groups.

We are very fortunate to be able to ring regularly on one of the finest peals of ten bells in the country, cast and installed by the Taylor Foundry of Loughborough in 1924.

We practise the English art of change ringing where each bell, in sequence, is rotated full circle (mouth up to mouth up) by means of a rope attached to the wheel of the bell striking once at each revolution. Change ringing is based on the mathematics of permutations. The order of the bells is changed in a systematic way but instead of using musical notation, ringers memorise these permutations thereby exercising the brain as well as the body!

Learning to handle a bell can take anything from weeks to months at a weekly ‘tied’ bell practice, depending on a variety of factors, before proceeding to ringing on ‘open’ bells and the mysteries of change ringing! The finer points of both these activities require application and commitment.

Our main objectives are to ring for our church services, including weddings and special events and to ensure continuity of the art of change ringing by passing on our skills to new members.

There is no charge incurred in learning to ring. We do not get paid for ringing except for weddings and occasional funerals. Access to the tower is via 46 steep spiral stairs!

As well as service to the church, ringing is a great social activity. Once competent, ringers will be welcomed at towers all over the country. Change ringing also takes place in Australia and New Zealand, North America and a few places in Africa.

We normally ring on Sunday mornings from 9.15 to 10.00am and Sunday evenings from 5.30 to 6.30pm. We have a weekly practice on Tuesday from 7.30 to 9.00pm.

Contact is through the Tower Secretary:Ann Eyles at

We are also members of the Swindon Branch of the Gloucester & Bristol Diocesan Association of Church Bellringers –

See the Christ Church Bells in action
Listen to Stedman Caters from Christ Church