We are pleased to announce that Christ Church has been awarded a faculty to proceed with its renewal works. This follows a lengthy consultation process during which various interested parties have been given the opportunity to comment and provide advice on the work.

It is difficult to find suitable times to complete such a complex and extensive set of works but we have identified an opportunity during the 8 weeks commencing 6th February 2017 and 6th April. In order to ensure that the work has the best chance of completion prior to a wedding booked on the 8th April and the Easter celebration the following week, it has been decided to close the church completely. This will allow the various trades the maximum flexibility to carry out the work on the new heating system, lighting, new wooden floor, storage area and audio visual improvements.

During the closure of the church arrangements for worship will be as follows:

  • 8am – Holy Communion Service in the Large Meeting Room
  • 10am – All Age and Holy Communion Services in the Main Hall and Garden Room, with the choir being unrobed. Sunday Club will either be with the main worship, or in Chris’ office or in the Vicarage, to be confirmed.
  • 4pm  – Sunday @ 4 in the Main Hall and Garden Room as normal.
  • 30pm – Evening Worship, in the Main Hall and Garden Room.
  • Midweek – 9am Morning Prayer – in the Large Meeting Room, and on some days when this is not available, in the Vicarage.  These locations will be confirmed.
  • Wednesday – 10.30am service in the Large Meeting Room, or at St Mary’s.  These locations will be confirmed.

We hope that the result of this investment will be a renewed, refreshed and revitalised church building – fit to meet the challenges and expectations of those who use it both for regular worship, occasional service and for recreation and entertainment now and in the future.

You can read about our plans in more detail here.