20140920_15112520140920_115347 20140920_121514 20140920_151104Hundreds flocked to The Old Town Autumn Fayre at Christ Church on Saturday 20th September and discovered the free to enter event was going with a swing.

The Bill Bailey Jazz band lent a jaunty atmosphere to the afternoon and quantities of real ale, copious tea and cakes and a huge variety of stalls and activities kept people coming back for more. Traditional games and vintage rides were a great hit with the children as well as climbing the church tower to do a spot of bell ringing! A big thank you is due to Old Town businesses and other private donors, too many to name individually, who made the day such a success. The quantity and quality of gifts, prizes and services to support the event was fantastic.

Special thanks also to the wonderful volunteers from Waitrose in Swindon who gamely manned the children’s activities and ensured they were a non-stop attraction. 20140920_113037