You might remember that we have been working to define the projects that we would like to get done along the Path.  FORPAfter a bit of a delay, we now have outline descriptions of the projects on our web site at

We would welcome any feedback about them.  For example:

·       What do you think our priorities should be? Do you have a favourite project?

·       Have we missed a project that would make a difference to you or to where you live?

·       Do you have any comments on the detail of your favourite projects?

·       Are there some projects that you would like to help with, or for which you could suggest sources of help or funding?

Please take a look, and let me know what you think.

You might also have noticed that we have begun some of the work involved in some of the projects.  For example, on our workday in October last year, we started on Project 10: Ogbourne St George play area and grassland.  And in February of this year, we laid a section of hedge, as described for Project 1: Curly Wurly Bridge.  We will continue to use our regular workdays to do some of the work, but hope to get some work going separately on higher priority projects.  Our provisional list of priorities is:

·       Project 3 – Ridgeway Crossing

·       Project 7 – Whitefield Farm Grassland

·       Project 10 – Ogbourne St George play area and grassland

·       Project 15  Marlborough

I hope you enjoy the Path in the spring weather which were getting at last.

Dick Millard