The Swindon Old Town Partnership of Churches was formed on the 19th March 1969 and has the
distinction of being the oldest Partnership of Churches in the country.
The four constituent churches maintain their own worship and buildings, but the parish is
run by a Council which controls all training, pastoral work, social work and work with young
people. All publicity, including the Parish Magazine and Directory is run by the Council.
The symbol of the parish shows the churches pointing into the Cross and, at the same time,
pointing out from the Cross into the world.
This is in the Swindon and Marlborough Methodist Circuit. Built in 1880, the church was
extensively renovated in 1983. Attached to the building is Epworth Court, a sheltered Housing
Scheme of Methodist Homes for the Aged.
Christ Church, in Cricklade Street, replaced the earlier Holy Rood Church on The Lawns in
1851 as the Parish Church of Swindon. Adjoining it is the church centre which is used for
a variety of community purposes such as Mother & Baby clinics, homeless shelter and evening
On Commonweal Road, St. Mary's is Christ Church's 'daughter' church. It first occupied its new
building at Easter in 1978.
Immanuel Church was built in 1939, replacing the earlier Congregational Church in Victoria Road.
It has an excellent hall and fine site in Upham Road.
The ancient parish church of Swindon, first mentioned in 1142. Only a small part of it remains.
It is now used by the parish on special occasions, including open-air services.
Father, who wills all things to be one in Christ,
give us singleness of purpose to express this unity in our Partnership,
that those around us may witness our life together and turn to Him who is the Way,
the Truth, and the Life, Jesus Christ our Lord,