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If you are new to websites and the internet, there are some conventions that are not necessarily that logical.
If you see a word or phrase underlined for instance – it doesn’t mean that it is being emphasised but that it
is a link that you can left click with your mouse button, to take you to more information.
You can tell when something (image, calendar, underlined word) can be clicked because your mouse cursor usually
turns into a hand as you hover over the picture. (See left)
If you click on an icon or link that opens a PDF document then it will open in a programme called Acrobat
reader. This enables people to open and read documents even when they don’t own the software that was
used to originally create them (PDF stands for Portable Document Format). If you do not have Acrobat
Reader Installed you can download it here.
There are lots of ways of finding your way around the site - using the buttons, Underlined hyperlinks, the page index
page and quick links.
If you really can’t find something or you want to delve into the past 2 years of pewleaflet
information, you can use the “Search our website” feature at the bottom of each page. This searches the entire site
and the pewleaflet archive back to 2009.