What is Choral Evensong?


The service of Evensong is unique to the Anglican church and is derived from the older Roman Catholic service of Vespers (or evening prayer). Its structure and wording are contained in the Book of Common Prayer, which dates from 1662.

The standard Evensong service involves the whole congregation in the singing of psalms and canticles (The Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis which are extracts from Luke’s gospel set to simple music to allow everyone to join in.) The service also has hymns and a choir only anthem. The rich, traditional language of the old prayer book can be reassuring and affirming as it is spoken collectively, by those attending. We, typically, hold these services once a month on the third Sunday.

At Christ Church, we also maintain the tradition of full Choral Evensong 4 or 5 times a year. This service is entirely sung by the choir and usually includes an introit, (a short anthem sung at the start of the service), sung responses, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis and an anthem. The music has a rich Anglican musical heritage. The Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis have been set to music by many composers over the past 350 years. These services are, by their nature, more reflective. The congregation are invited to experience them by prayerful, attentive listening. This allows the music and text to lift our prayers, praise, and meditation to God.

We sometimes also visit local Cathedrals and sing Evensong there which is a magnificant experience.

We are sing Evensong in Salisbury Cathedral on the 21st February at 4pm – do come along to support us if you are able.

The Christ Church choir regularly sing Choral Evensong under their Music Director Tim Eyles. If you would like to find out more or would like to join our friendly group contact Tim Eyles on musicdirector@Christchurchswindon.co.uk

Our Next Choral Evensong service is on Sunday 18th February at 4pm and we are singing:

Introit: Almighty and Everlasting God’ by Orlando Gibbons

Responses: (Philip Radcliffe)

Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis: T. Tertius Noble in B minor

Anthem: ‘It is a thing most Wonderful’ by Philip Moore

Organ Voluntary: Fugue in B Minor BWV544 by JS Bach

Conductor: Richard Sutcliffe

Featuring the choir of Christ Church and guests

Organist and Director of Music: Tim Eyles

JOIN US https://youtube.com/live/aE6jSOKpkMU

Download an Order of Service to follow with us

Subscribe to our Channel on https://www.youtube.com/user/Christchurchswindon1 or listen to our last Evensong service below

What is Choral Evensong?2024-02-09T19:54:56+00:00

Our Christmas Services


If you weren’t able to join us last Sunday evening for our magical candlelit service of readings and carols, you can find it online here

Sunday 24th December 2023 – preparing for Christmas
  • 10am Holy Communion – 4th Sunday of Advent join us online.
  • 11pm – Midnight Mass – traditional Service to welcome the birth of Jesus – jon us online
CHRISTMAS DAY IN CHRIST CHURCH – Monday 25th December 2023
  • 10am Family Christmas Holy Communion – join us online
NEW YEAR’S EVE -Sunday 31st December 2023
  • 10am Holy Communion join us in person or online
  • 11pm Watchnight Service to welcome the New Year- join us in person or online
Our Christmas Services2023-12-28T16:37:32+00:00

An invitation to celebrate the Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette’s 25 years as vicar of Christ Church


Simon & Nicola at the heart of Old Town Community Life

You are warmly invited to join us to celebrate the Revd.Canon Simon Stevenette’s 25 years as vicar of Christ Church with St Mary’s in Swindon on the weekend of Friday 6th to Sunday 8th October 2023.

Friday 6th October, 7.30pm Service of Celebration, Thanksgiving and Recommitment

Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Simon’s installation as our vicar, followed by a cheese, wine and soft drinks reception in the Community Centre.
Music will be led by the Partnership Choir and Toast music group.

Click to Download the order of service

Sunday 8th October, 10am Holy Communion– led by the Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette with Ailsa Palmer preaching

Sermon theme: ‘Lunch with Levi’

Bible Readings: Philippians 3: 4b-14, Luke 5: 27-32

Reader: Jane Humphreys
Prayers: John Humphreys

Please join us this weekend for these special celebrations or join us on our YOUTUBE Channel- All welcome!

An invitation to celebrate the Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette’s 25 years as vicar of Christ Church2023-10-06T13:04:12+01:00

What’s happening at the side of the Church?


Visitors to the grounds may have noticed some work being carried out on the North side of the church.

Originally, there was a path linking the West end to the East end thus avoiding visitors to the burial grounds and Memorial Gardens having to do so via the car park.

As part of our plans to improve access, we have decided to re-instate the path.  The newly laid tarmac path will provide level access to the rear of the church by adding a small spur that will make disabled access easier by avoiding the 3 steps that currently link the path.

The work is being carried out by kind donation from a friend of Christ Church. In the future,  we would like to extend the lighting to include the path.

If you would like to support this work with a donation then please contact the parish office on 01793 522832 or christchurchswindon.co.uk

What’s happening at the side of the Church?2023-08-15T10:57:37+01:00

The Annual Old Town Autumn Fayre Returns


Autumn Fayre 2023 – Book Your Stall Now

The popular annual Old Town Autumn Fayre at Christ Church and the Community Centre returns on Saturday, September 16th (12 noon to 4pm) with a large range of local produce and craft stalls, music, food and drink, bouncy castles, children’s games and much more. There will also be a chance to take a rare tour of the bell tower in the church.
Stalls and tables for sellers are £15.
To find out more about booking a stall or table, please visit:
Alternatively, call Chris or Jenny on 01793 617237.
The Annual Old Town Autumn Fayre Returns2023-07-03T14:16:18+01:00


Chris & Co – Three Peaks Challenge

Ben Nevis 27th May 19.24

Scafell 28th May 05.32am

Snowdon 28th May 14:25hrs

As you are aware, our site manager Chris and his friends took part in the 3 peaks challenge over the last weekend in May. Scaling the heights of the highest mountains in Scotland (Ben Nevis), England (Scafell Pike) and Snowdon (Wales).

We are delighted to advise you that they completed the challenge in under 24 hours, 23 hours and 20 minutes to be exact!

They are delighted to have finished and are nearing their sponsorship target for Dementia UK.

Chris will also be taking part in a 100k ultra marathon (Race to the Stones) in one day on 8th July.

Please sponsor him if you can – https://www.justgiving.com/page/clare-smith-1678227120147


Our commitment to our environment.


Care for God’s Earth

As part of our commitment to an overall ecological strategy, we are continuing to implement some key measures, we believe, will promote biodiversity and sustainability in our churchyard and grounds. We use A Rocha, a Christian based organisation to help us to work through ideas that will have the most beneficial impact. So far, we have achieved silver status. The structured approach they advocate, allows us to plan how we might continue to develop our thinking in years to come.

As a guiding principle, we seek to plant native species. Replacing non-native species with native ones to provide food and habitat for local wildlife. We choose plants that are adapted to local climate and soil conditions, which reduces their need for water, fertilizers, and pesticides.

We have cleared some areas of invasive non-native laurel from the embankment to the North of the car park. Underplanting native shrubs in the UK is an excellent way to create an attractive and biodiverse landscape. Native shrubs provide essential habitat for wildlife and can help to attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Shrubs or hedging such as hawthorn and blackthorn can also help to reduce soil erosion and improve water retention, making them great for keeping soil healthy and preventing flooding. Additionally, native shrubs are hardy, meaning they are more likely to survive extreme weather conditions, and require less maintenance than non-native species. By underplanting native shrubs, we can create a lush, colourful, and diverse landscape that is beneficial to both wildlife and the environment.

We also encourage flowers that attract pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and other beneficial creatures. This will help increase the local pollinator population, which is important for the health of the ecosystem.

We have installed birdhouses across our site: This will provide shelter and nesting sites for local bird species. They will help to control insect populations and encourage diversity. We already have evidence that some are being nested in.

pyramid orchid

Pyramid orchid

Certain areas of our grass contain rare and at-risk species of grasses and other native wildflowers. Once again, this year, we intend to implement a programme of controlled mowing which, we hope, will encourage the growth and development of these species which in turn will provide nutrients for the soil and shelter for small animals and insects. These areas are not neglected, but deliberately left to grow and seed until later in the summer when they will be carefully mown giving the rarer wildflowers the opportunity to establish next year.

We are also committed to educating ourselves and our wider community about environmental issues aiming to inspire us all to act. We will look to provide resources, host events, and partner with local schools and other interested organizations to promote environmental sustainability.

We believe that by implementing these strategies, our church and its environment can become a vibrant and sustainable ecosystem that supports local wildlife and promotes ecological health.

To talk to us about our grounds, help us with observations or work parties on our site contact us ecogroup@christchurchswindon.co.uk or contact the Parish office on 01793 522832.

Our commitment to our environment.2023-05-18T13:21:38+01:00

Why a Beer Festival in a Church?


Our decision to host the Old Town Beer Festival at Christ Church is rooted in our commitment to fostering community engagement, offering hospitality to all, regardless of race or creed, and providing a space for open dialogue and understanding.

We recognise the importance of connecting with our wider community beyond traditional religious activities. By hosting concerts, festivals and other events on our site, we seek to create an inclusive and welcoming environment that appeals to a wide range of visitors, including those who may not typically engage with religious institutions. These events serve as a bridge between the church and the community, promoting dialogue, understanding, and unity.

We have celebrated 10 years of beer festivals on our site and always seek to ensure that our visitors respect the church and grounds. We employ professional security to remind people of the sensitivities involved and regularly assess how we can improve our organisation and communication.

The church and its grounds are for everyone. Outside of Festival days, we are open every day for visitors to come and remember, reflect, or simply enjoy the quiet atmosphere. For a few days of the year, our grounds host a joyous and vibrant gathering of local people who enjoy local beers, music and meeting friends. We do advertise the events widely so that our community knows what to expect. We don’t receive grants or subsidies from the Anglican church or Government. All the funds needed to keep our church and its work in the community going, are provided by regular donations, legacies and fundraising. Our congregation, Friends and event supporters provide vital funds each year to ensure that the Church is always available for everyone. Whether it be for regular worship, weddings, funerals, christenings, festivals,concerts or just quiet reflection at a loved ones resting place. Events like the Beer and Jazz festivals provide a large portion of our income. Without them and the significant contribution made by the Community Centre itself, we would struggle to survive.

Each year, we meet, following the festival, to discuss how we can improve our organisation and what we could do differently. We hosted more than 1,200 local people to this year’s festival and the vast majority have been very positive about the event. We do take note of those who disagree and do everything that we can to explain what and why we are doing it.

Why a Beer Festival in a Church?2023-05-18T12:18:09+01:00

‘Songs of Praise’ Sunday 30th April 6.30pm


‘Songs of Praise ‘service on Sunday 30th April 2023 6.30pm,  with the opportunity to join in with some well-loved hymns and experience some new songs as well. Led by the Revd. Rach Collins, Minister of Bath Road Methodist Church in Swindon,  with the Vicar of Christ Church, the Revd. Canon Simon Stevenette. Music will be provided by the Christ Church choir and musical director/organist Tim Eyles. The hymns and songs have all been chosen by members of the churches within the Partnership. Come along and have a good sing!

‘Songs of Praise’ Sunday 30th April 6.30pm2023-05-16T13:17:32+01:00

Easter at Christ Church with St Mary’s


Wednesday 5th April

7-9pm Lent Talk by Rev Dr Cathy Okoronkwo, Vicar of St Barnabas – “Theme The Ecology of Radial Hospitality”

Watch all the talks here

You can download orders of service for all our Easter Services here

Good Friday 7th April

12- 3pm Christ Church Three hours at the Cross led by Simon Talor Director of Training, Bristol Diocese

Easter Sunday 9th April

5.30 am Dawn Service at Holy Rood on the Lawn ( find it)

8 am Holy Communion

9 am Holy Communion at St Mary’s Church

10.am Family Holy Communion – Christ Church

6.30 Easter Praise – Christ Church

Easter at Christ Church with St Mary’s2023-04-05T17:51:30+01:00

Mothering Sunday Services


We will be giving away bunches of daffodils to mothers at our services.

We invite you to join us on Sunday, 19th March 2023 at the following services:

8am Holy Communion, Christ Church

9am Holy Communion, St Mary’s

10am Informal Holy Communion, Christ Church – with the Revd. Rach Collins preaching

6.30pm – Evensong, Christ Church

Mothering Sunday Services2023-03-17T23:23:36+00:00

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