Annual Revision of the Christ Church and St Mary’s Electoral Roll

Every year as part of the annual church meeting, we review and update all the names on our church electoral roll. This year the review starts at the end of March and will be complete by mid-April. A list of all currently registered Electoral Roll members (Names only) will be available at the back of the Church during the review period.

What do you need to do?

1. Already on the Electoral Roll

If you are already on the Church Electoral Roll and are happy to remain on it, you need to take no further action.

2. You want to join the Electoral Roll

There are several benefits to joining the Electoral Roll:
• You can stand for election to the Parish Church Council (PCC)
• You can attend the Annual Parochial Council Meeting (APCM)
• You can participate in the voting at the APCM (next meeting on 28th April)
• You will be prayed for once a month during the Morning Prayer services

To be entered on the Electoral Roll:

• You must be over 16.
• You must be baptised.
• You must have attended a Church of England church in the parish for at least the last six months.

If you wish to be entered on the Electoral Roll please complete one of the
applications for Enrolment available at the back of the church and return it to the Parish Office by the 13th of April

Names of all those on the Electoral Roll on 27th March 2024 are displayed in both churches – please check your entry and let the Parish Office know of any discrepancies – thank you