Christ Church is at the heart of it’s community, serving the needs of local people and acting as a central meeting place for a whole variety of community activities. Our mission is to proclaim Christ through teaching and example. Welcome and serve all, through hospitality. We encourage people to find God through worship, faith and prayer by providing a spiritual home and resources for the local community.
We rely on the gifts, goodwill and legacies of our friends in the community to continue this mission. If you are able, we value regular donations, although of course, gifts of any kind are greatfully received. Our preferred method for regular giving is the Parish Giving Scheme.
What is the Parish Giving Scheme?
The PGS is administered by the Church of England, at no cost to us, and provides a secure method for members to make regular donations to a Church of their choice.
Why is it better than Standing Order.
The PGS dramatically improves our cashflow and reduces our administration, enabling us to receive your donations and any gift aid claimable on them within the first week or so of each month.It also offers peace of mind that the Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme protects your gifts.
How do I join?
There are 2 easy ways to donate to Christ Church through the PGS; you can set up your Direct Debit online or by telephone. If you would like more information or help applying then please contact Stephen Grosvenor Gift Aid Secretary on or 07885 217077
Click this link to go to our dedicated Parish Giving page
By Telephone
Alternatively, you can set up your regular gift by phoning the PGS team on 0333 002 1271, Monday to Friday, 9-5. They will ask for our Parish Giving code which is Christ Church’s parish code is 050605176
If you’d like to know more, please get in touch with Stephen Grosvenor our Gift Aid Secretary 01793 341034
Can you still claim Gift Aid on my gifts?
If you are a UK taxpayer, during the sign up process you will be asked if about Gift Aid. It adds a valuable additional 25% to your giving at no cost to you.
What happens if my circumstances change?
As a PGS member, you will receive a log in which will enable you to track your giving and make changes whenever you need to. You can make one-off additional donations at any time. The telephone service will help those without access to online services.
I want to help but I don’t really understand all this, can I get some help?
Of course, contact Stephen Grosvenor your Gift Aid Secretary in confidence, and he will be glad to help. 07885 217077
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