We need your donations, more than ever, to support our work in the community. We don’t receive grants or subsidies from the Anglican church or Government. All the funds needed to keep our church and its work going are provided by regular donations, legacies and fundraising. Our congregation, Friends and supporters provide vital funds each year to ensure that the Church and its grounds are always available – whether it be for regular worship, weddings, funerals christenings, festivals, concerts or just quiet reflection. If you consider yourself part of our Community or value our contribution then please consider supporting us with either a regular donation,one-off gift or legacy.

Our preferred method for receiving, regular, donations is via the Church of England’s Parish Giving Scheme. These can be monthly, quarterly or annual gifts. The scheme manages all the administration of collection, gift aid claims ( if the giver is eligible as a regular tax payer) and greatly improves our cashflow by paying us monthly, as well as reducing our own administration. It’s easy to sign up – you can find our Parish page here on the PGS website

Other ways of Giving

You can also give by credit or debit card at our donation station at the back of church.

Check out our donation page for more ideas.