With increasing numbers of people from other countries joining our congregation we have invited The Revd Cathy Okoronkwo, Racial Justice Adviser in our Bristol Diocese, to lead two Unconscious Bias training sessions on:
- Monday 13th February 11-12.30pm on Unconscious Bias – in the Community Centre.
- Tuesday 14th February 2pm -3.30pm on Welcome and Hospitality – in the Large Meeting Room or in Christ Church if numbers are large.
I very much hope that you will be able to attend both sessions. This will be very helpful in enabling us to develop and grow our ministry this year on solid foundations.
The sessions will be open to our whole congregation and to friends from across the Old Town Partnership. Please pass the word around.
An RSVP would be appreciated. Simon (simon@christchurchswindon.co.uk) 529166
Church Commissioners Report
The Church Commissioners of the Church of England have published their full report into historic links to Transatlantic Slavery. They have also announced a new £100m funding commitment in response to the findings, saying “The Church Commissioners’ Board has committed itself to trying to address some of the past wrongs by investing in a better future. Read it here.
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