We thank you for all your encouragement, prayers, practical help and financial giving to Christ Church and St Mary’s over this last year. By God’s grace we have seen much growth for which we thank God. However, financially it is likely that at the end of this year we will be running at a financial deficit of around £10,000. We are blessed to have financial reserves to meet this. However, we are asking whether you would be able to make a Christmas gift to Christ Church to help us to reach the New Year with a balanced budget, all being well. Please make cheques payable to Christ Church PCC or you can donate via our Just Giving page here

In saying this we are very aware of the financial pressure on so many people and understand if you are unable to do this. However, every little bit helps. Thank you gratefully in advance.

Thank you and every blessing for Advent and Christmas, Simon, Jim and Nitin Vicar and Church Wardens.