9.30am-4pm Saturday, 17 September, Pattern Church, Swindon

The Rt Revd. Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, invites you to an inspiring ‘Creation Restored: Ministry in a time of Climate Crisis’ Diocesan day conference at the Pattern Church.

The aim of the day is to share in fellowship and explore the challenges, sensitivities, and opportunities of leading church life during a climate emergency.

There will be a diverse range of guest speakers and workshop leaders, including keynote speaker Dr Ruth Valerio, Global Advocacy Director at Tearfund, as well as sessions from friends from Green Christian, Operation Noah, the Youth Christian Climate Network among others, as well as some familiar faces from across the Diocese.


Please register via Eventbrite and do share this invitation. For further information, please contact Simon Taylor at simon.taylor@bristoldiocese.org