During the coronavirus emergency, our church, like many organisations today, is suffering severely from a lack of funds.

Our finance team is working hard to implement cost savings whilst still allowing us to maintain a clear and effective presence in the community. We are especially grateful to our many regular givers, either as members of the Parish Giving Scheme or as donors via regular standing order for their continued support.

Like everyone, we are exploring new ways to connect with our congregation and friends. These include a new Pastoral contact scheme called Keep in Touch (K.i.T.). This will be administered by volunteers from our Community and is aimed at ensuring that everyone is regularly contacted and, if required, practical help or reassurance can be provided. We are recording our Sunday services and these can be found on our website. You can find out more about both these on www.christchurchswindon.co.uk.

Inevitably though, income from plate collections, the community centre, church events, weddings and funerals has dried up, leaving us in an increasingly difficult financial position. Fortunately, we do have some contingency reserves and our cost savings and government cost mitigation schemes will help. Unfortunately, this will not last for very long.

How can you help?

By Regular Planned Giving

Regular giving enables us to plan our work and helps reduce administration time and effort as well as improving our cashflow.

  1. Our preferred option to give to Christ Church – If you have not yet joined our Parish Giving scheme, this is an efficient way to regularly support our church and its community. Contact our gift aid secretary- Stephen@christchurchswindon.co.uk or ring 07885 217077 for more information.
  2. You can also donate safely via our Just giving site: https://www.justgiving.com/christchurchswindon/donate or click the button below
By direct transfer or regular standing order to Christ Church

If you currently give by Gift Aid envelope or cash: If you are able to use telephone or online banking, please consider making your gift via a direct bank transfer. We would prefer not to handle cash for the time being. Our account no. is 00316343 – Sort Code 30 98 41 (Lloyds Bank). Please use your name as a reference. If you are a UK taxpayer and can add gift aid your donation please contact stephen@christchurchswindon.co.uk to give him your contact details. We can then claim the tax you have paid on the amount you have donated, at no cost to yourself.


You can also set up a standing order to the church by completing this form and sending it directly to your bank or building society. https://www.christchurchswindon.co.uk/files/mandate.pdf


These are difficult times for us all, particularly due to the many uncertainties associated with the progress of the virus and the measures taken to mitigate it. Please do consider how you might continue to support us financially by one of the above measures. If you would like help with any of the above or would like to discuss giving in any form, then please contact Stephen Grosvenor, our Gift Aid Secretary (07885 217077) or stephen@christchurchswindon.co.uk

Read a letter about the coming years financial planning from our Treasurer

Stephen Grosvenor – Gift Aid Secretary

For small occasional gifts to the work of the church in the Community

DONR Giving by Text. All you need to do is send a text with the code CCSWINDON £5 (or however much you wish to give us) to 70450. The acknowledgement of your text has a link which will allow you to agree to add Gift aid to your gift (worth an extra 25%) if you are eligible. The cost will be deducted from your mobile account (not recommended for PAYGO)