The ChaliceCommunion Cup

As is happening increasingly across our Bristol Diocese, the chalice will once again be distributed at every Holy Communion service at Christ Church and St Mary’s from this weekend.

This is good news as we know that many have missed this opportunity. We are part of one body, made up of many different parts. The Common Cup has been central to the Church of England’s sacramental liturgy and worship for centuries.

However, there is never any requirement or expectation that communicants will receive under both forms. We recognise that we are in different situations in life, so we ask you to make a personal decision whether to receive the Chalice, according to your own circumstances.

Intinction, was only brought in for extreme situations. It was never meant to be part of normal Church of England practice. As such, having taken advice from Archdeacon Christopher Bryan, we will not now be offering Intinction as a choice at Communion. As always, we would be happy to explain more about this on a one-to-one basis and to answer any questions.

It is wonderful to know the grace of God and the sacrament of Holy Communion is still wholly efficacious in one kind. This means that when we receive, either the host or chalice, we receive,in whole – the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Our Lord. Jesus, having conquered death, can never be divided, or separated. So please feel free either to receive under both forms or one – it is a matter of personal choice and devotion.

Please pray that we will rejoice in this new development, while being sensitive to those who remain anxious; above all that each of us will continue to meet with Christ in Word and in Sacrament and his Holy Spirit will be very present in all our worship.

Revd Canon Simon Stevenette Vicar, Jim d’Avila and Nitin Shinde, Church Wardens