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Click on the categories above to see what has been happening at Christ Church and in the community recently. Read the full articles by clicking on the article titles below or by clicking one of the links on the left of this page. A large number of older news articles are also available through the links on the left should you want to refer back to something.

Grass Repair - Jubilee Memorial Garden ..

The beautiful landscaping and garden maintenance in our various gardens is carried out by volunteer workers who work throughout the year to keep our grounds looking great.Recently, we have noticed that someone has been helpfully weedkilling some areas of fine turf around the Jubilee Memorial Garden.Thank you to our mysterious gardener, we appreciate your eff ..

Try our Eco Quiz ..

PGlmcmFtZSB3aWR0aD0iNjQwcHgiIGhlaWdodD0gIjQ4MHB4IiBzcmM9ICJodHRwczovL2Zvcm1zLm9mZmljZS5jb20vUGFnZXMvUmVzcG9uc2VQYWdlLmFzcHg/aWQ9di1ldVVxd2kxME83V3Z0T0tsRmFsSFAycVhtdjRmbEhuQ0VDREtpOGt0SlVNRUUwUVZaUFNVZFBTVVZCVUZSRVVrTk9SMXBXVFRsTVNDNHUmZW1iZWQ9dHJ1ZSIgZnJhbWVib3JkZXI9ICIwIiBtYXJnaW53aWR0aD0gIjAiIG1hcmdpbmhlaWdodD0gIjAiIHN0eWxlPSAiYm9yZGVyOiBub25lOyBtYXgtd2lk ..

Signs of hope? ..

It has been a long and rather grey winter so far but things are already waking up in the Church grounds. Our new gardens are begining to come to life. Do take some time to have a look around the graveyard and appreciate the great work that is being carried out to make Christ Church a beautiful and restful place to be.         ..

Hazelnut Community ..

COP 26 has brought out many stories of individual and collective ingenuity and committment to engaging with Creation and the climate emergency. The Hazelnut vision is of a growing community: Creating a sustainable model of church and community engagement able to flourish in a climate crisis, using urban agriculture, food production, and waste management as ..

Part Time Administrator ..

For Dorcan Church and Swindon Area Dean 15 hours per week This role primarily involves supporting the day to day running of the church office and business of The Dorcan Church. Additionally, support is sought for the Area Dean (also vicar of Dorcan church) and the Swindon Deanery team. We are looking for a warm and friendly person,with great administrativ ..

Our Gardens ..

Garden of Reflection Remembrance Garden The old rubbish area Over the past few years we have worked hard to improve the garden areas around the church. This work is almost exclusively carried out by volunteers from the community and from our church family. In 2013, a former rubbish area was turned into the Gaden of Reflection. This garden is in a sunny spot ..

Our Beer Festival ..

Once again, despite much uncertainty and difficulty, the 8th (or perhaps really the 7th and a half) Old Town Beer Festival went ahead.The event always brings together a diverse and friendly section of our community and many conversations were had, along with a beer or two from local brewers.Thanks must go to the Chris Smith and Jenny our Community Centre man ..

Kevins eco record ..

An Eco Milestone At Christ Church, we like a record-breaker - particularly one who does something to prove a great point. Margaret William's nephew Kevin Brooker, recently visited her to say hello and show off his new car. As you can see from the picture it's quite a special one. Kevin was part of a team that has just completed a world record journey of 8 ..

Christ Church Eco Strategy ..

For some time, we have been exploring our response to Global Warming and resulting climate change in the context of responsible stewardship of our buildings, grounds and operations. We are doing this so that we can develop an overall strategy. The Church of England runs a scheme to equip churches to care for God's creation through their worship, buildings, ..

Janet French ..

A lot of the work that goes into running the church happens in the background. We thought we would highlight this particularly extreme example of remote working! Janet French faithfully provides our beautiful powerpoint orders of service each week. This week is no exception - except that she is working from her new temporary home in the Scottish highlands.As ..


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