A Church at the Heart of the Community

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The following plans are intended to help to focus and co-ordinate our activities to enable us to deliver our vision of a renewal not only of our churches and buildings but also of our sense of mission and purpose. It is vital that the plans are understood and adopted by all who consider themselves part of the Christ Church Community.
If you would like to take part or contribute to any aspect of the church’s work or would like to add your comments or suggestions to the renewal process as a whole, then please contact us via the parish office – 01793 522832 or parishoffice@christchurchswindon.co.uk or via the Church Website www.christchurchswindon.co.uk

New ways of Working together

In order to make our vision a reality, we have implemented a new way of working which gives everyone an opportunity to be involved more fully. The new structures provide greater opportunities for improved communication, information flow and decision making; where all the primary activities of the whole church community are integrated into one plan. Our hope is that this way of working will allow us to draw on the various areas of expertise within the church community.

The PCC continues to have overall responsibility for governance.

We have created six working groups who will meet every other month, alternating with those months when the PCC meet. All members of the PCC will participate in one of the six working groups. Each group is led by two leaders. The joint leaders are chosen for their expertise, interest or specialist knowledge in the particularly activity. They have built their teams from members of the congregation who are interested and committed to developing the specific area of activity through joining one of the six groups. Some groups may need more members than others dependent on the size of the task. There is also an Oversight group comprising four people. Its primarily responsibility is to co-ordinate, support, encourage and offer guidance where necessary to the twelve group leaders.

Working Groups – what they do

Site development & Maintenance of church property

Led By: Stephen Grosvenor & Mike Palmer

The church family meets in a Grade 2* listed building, surrounded by a burial ground visited by many local people and in St Mary’s Church a smaller and more modern urban location. We offer the use of all of our sites as a resource to the local community. We intend to operate both our churches and the new Community Centre for the benefit of all, trusting that our openness and outward looking attitude will establish us as a valuable resource for our local community. We look forward to hosting many concerts, creative arts, community celebrations, conferences, school events and artistic exhibitions in both Christ church and St Mary’s and in the new Centre.

Our vision is our sites will increasingly prove their worth; allowing us to develop our pastoral care, listening and healing ministries and to look outwards sharing God’s heart for mission and outreach within Swindon and across the world. We can play our part in connecting with the whole community through providing outstanding hospitality, buildings and services that bring the best of the past alongside the needs of the present

  • The two team leads will lead the day-to-day management of our site projects for buildings and grounds, one or both attending meetings and liaising with architect, builders, planners, stakeholders, etc.
  • The group will employ sustainable and eco-friendly methods allowing us to demonstrate our commitment to Christian stewardship of the earth’s resources.
  • The working group members will be kept briefed on all this activity and contribute in email reviews of project documentation and in other ways.
  • The working group will manage the upkeep and maintenance of all the properties owned by the church, seeking external advice where required.

Financial Stewardship of Resources and Income Generation

Led by: Gareth Hutchinson & Simon Stevenette

The church family requires income to resource its plans and deliver its vision. It also needs to exercise care and diligence to manage these resources

  • The two team leads will deal with the day-to-day management of fundraising from the church family and the wider community; through regular giving, legacies, gift-aid, sponsorship, donations and admission charges for events.
  • The Group will assist other groups with logistics, planning and financial risk assessments as they develop detailed plans for our Church events programme.
  • The working group members will be kept briefed through regular financial reports and budget planning, circulated by email.
  • They will prepare summary reports and recommendations for the oversight group and church family to consider.

Church Family

Led by: Pam Bridgeman & Anne Macmillan

The church family includes all who use the church site as a spiritual resource. It is constantly growing and renewing itself in numbers and character, while reflecting the call to be Christ at the centre of its communities. The group will create plans to reinforce and strengthen church family relationships, creating an inclusive and supportive community and will provide pastoral care to those who need it.

The two team leads will deal with the day-to-day work to ensure that all family members are included and encouraged to participate in a variety of ways in the social life of the church.

  • They will ensure that the church family network is supportive and self-healing.
  • They will develop plans to ensure that the elderly or other potentially marginalized individuals are included and embraced in our day to day life together.
  • They will promote the growth and character of home groups and review the means of delivering pastoral care.
  • They will develop a hospitality team who will be readily available to provide food and refreshments at events.

Community Networks

Led by: Daphne Hardwick & Nick Williams

Community networks seek to engage with our communities locally, within Swindon town and virtually, through social media and the web. To deliver our vision it is essential that we connect with local businesses, groups, families and individuals and engage with them on many different levels. We hope that this engagement will allow us to demonstrate our outward looking and inclusive focus and that this will build strong relationships and better understanding of the Christian mission.

  • The two team leads will deal with day-to-day management of communication, and contact with people and organisations outside the church family. They will direct the frequency and content of press releases, monitor and develop relationships with schools, workplaces and community organisations (Rotary, Lions, Willows and Prospect).
  • The working group members will help to identify networking opportunities and will take a lead in the planning and delivery of the events programme and the co-ordination of content to the web-site, church notice boards and other media.
  • Regular meetings will allow the group to create ideas for an events programme, for the Income generation group to resource.

Mission and Evangelism

Led by: Norma McKemey & Martin Lee

This group will reflect on the call to be Christ within this world and the ways in which Christ Church can respond. ensuring that the church delivers effective, outward looking Christian learning programmes and promoting and supporting Christian projects worldwide

  • The two team leads will deal with day-to-day management of nurturing the church family in their response to the world’s needs, spiritual and material.
  • They will develop an education programme for enquirers, new Christians, evangelists and church leaders. They will contribute to the events programme.
  • The working group members will input to the proposed initiatives and programmes and will assist the leaders in their research and delivery.
  • Regular meetings will allow the group to create ideas and review progress.

Children and Young People

Led by: Janice Titcombe & David Howell

This group will work to support, nurture, and affirm the contribution of children and young people in church life, and to reach out and engage with those in our wider community. They will actively develop programmes to support the principles of the Swindon Youth Charter.

  • The two team leads and group members will lead in shaping the ongoing nurture and support of the children and young people who use the church site and its family as a spiritual resource. They will be responsible for ensuring that Child Protection guidelines are embedded in all church activities.
  • They will look for ways to affirm, include and engage with the young more effectively in the day to day worship, activities and organization of the church.
  • They will explore ways to reach out and engage with the young in our community, including supporting schools and ecumenical initiatives
  • Regular meetings will allow the group to create ideas and review progress

Community Centre Advisory Group

This group was formed to help our Centre manager with policy and operational decisions since the PCC is the owner and managing agent of the Centre.

Led by Lynda Fisher & Simon Stevenette