Failure of Heating System – Arrangements for Winter 2016/17

churchThe Drugasar gas convector heaters in Christ Church were inspected by a competent service contractor last week.  Unfortunately, due to their age and obsolescence, of the 14 heaters in the church, a total of 11 have now been condemned on the basis of safety.  Three of the heaters continue to function.  Compared with winter 2015/16, we now have only about 25% of the gas convector heating capacity in the building.  The working heaters are in the Lady Chapel, and one each in the north and south transepts.

The churchwardens and the Buildings Committee are planning to make additional provision by the use of temporary electrical heating, using industrial fan heaters and possibly infra-red electric heaters.  The extent of the use of electrical heating is limited by the electric load capacity of the building.

As the winter approaches, we will monitor the temperatures outside and inside the building and will try to manage the use of Christ Church on a day by day basis to minimize discomfort.  One simple way of doing this will be for us all to be careful about conserving heat in the building by making sure that the west and south doors are not left open unnecessarily, to minimize escape of warm air.  The congregation and users of the building will be kept informed of the heating situation.

For the future, plans are advancing for the installation of an all-new gas fired wet (i.e. radiators) system.  This is one essential part of the re-ordering project which, subject to the granting of the formal faculty, is planned to be carried out in early 2017.

Worship will, of course continue, but in the event of severe cold, as the winter months advance, appropriate alternative arrangements for worship may have to be considered.  For the time being, there are no plans to change the current use of Christ Church.

Daniel Pitt,  Sunday 16 October 2016

On behalf of Mike Ranstead, Revd Norma McKemey,

Stephen Grosvenor and Mike Palmer, Buildings and Site Development